In this world of scammers and hackers we are constantly being told “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, don’t trust it or them..!” So when Edwin James IP contacted Skim asking for our assistance, I was was intrigued – why does a company that help to protect artists intellectual property rights, receive damages from infringers, all with no upfront costs require our help? Basically the service they provide for counterfeited artists sounds ‘too good to be true‘ – our mission: to film an interview of a cross section of their clients – giving them a platform to tell their stories and how trusting Ediwn James IP was a extremely positive and highly beneficial decision.
An exciting project for the Skim team and one which involved travelling to Birmingham, Glasgow & then Germany. Each of the interviews manifested new challenges to overcome, however that’s all part of the process. Dave and I invested 100% of our technical and creative juices into each interview, whilst the interviewees all delivered magfificently! We were so impressed with their professionalism in front of the camera. Take a look at the films – they all have great stories to tell.
Mark Gemmel, Birmingham
Mark agreed to be our first for this series of the Edwin James ‘Client Stories’ – a warm and wondefully gracious, talented photographer, Mark agreed to be interviewed and then let us film him in and around various locations in Birmingham, the orginal interview was about 45mins – edited to just 5.47. (BTW – Do not try to film in a shopping mall, the Mailbox was a great location for a cutaway shot, but the security guard was not having any of it.. !) Here’s Mark’s Story…
Kate Louise-Powell, Glasgow
The gorgeously tall and talentated illustrator Kate was a delight to chat to an interview, she had suffered having her work stolen from an early stage in her career. The hotel where we met with our clients and Kate had a great bar area and a spiral staircase, so we had to incorporate that into the film. Here her story. (Edited from over an hour dialogue to 5:42)
Jonas Jödicke, Berlin
He’s been a highly prolific artist, creating Fantasy Art for many years now, producing polished pieces and fastastic artworks – unfortunately also popular with counterfeitters to reproduce and profit from on a massive scale. Jonas’s story is one of the best examples of ‘too good to be true’ transforming into ‘happily ever after‘ – Take listen to this his journey with Edwin James IP:
Pixie – Dassel
Extremely excited to be given the opportunity to visit Berlin, which is where Svenja (Pixie) and her brother Jonas grew up, (and artist Jonas still lives) however Pixie was keen to show us her house in Dassel, so we packed up our kit and hacked to West Germany – (FYI – German trains are not as efficient as I was expecting!) – Pixie was delightful, warm and welcoming. This lovely lady was worried about holding the interview in English, so we were going to translate, however she kindly agreed to have a go – very impressed, no translator or subtitles required, what an absolute superstar!
Organising the main interviewing spaces, scouting locations for cut-aways and enjoying hearing the background stories of each of these Edwin James clients were extremely engaging with such interesting histories, what a great job fighting the bad guys and rewarding the victims of crime with some justice and a very healthy reward. Here are a few ‘behind the scenes’ of the Skim photoshoots this year.