Game On with Stephen Baysted

After working on Stephen Baysted’s website over the past couple of months my aural sensors have awoken to world of awesome music composed for video games – WOW! Whilst designing and adding content to this highly talented composer’s website, I was able to sample some of the music Stephen has created, – high octane games…

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East coast Composer

Aaron Jaffe is super talented, award winning music composer who resides in NYC. It would have been great to pop over to the big apple to meet him in person, but sadly skype and email are sufficient apparently… Take some time out to have look and listen and spread the word about our USA buddy.

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We’re with the band…

So Skim & family had lots of fun at the weekend – filming local band ‘The Morzim’ – just working on the mix down of the sound and the final edit, then if you are interested we will show you next week.. Here are some stills from the gig, we are certainly up for more…

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Listen to women

This is not a demand – just a request! One of our amazing music composers Alex Harwood has recently released the soundtrack to new movie – ‘The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Society’ (phew that rolls of the tongue!) If you need a moment of calm and loveliness in your day take a listen. (Plus…

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Pianist Parham presents…

Lucy Parham has an extensive biography and impressive list of celebrity collaborators! A pleasure to work with this talented lady and provide her with a new platform to showcase her amazing repertoire…

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